  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)03-0110-06
  • 中图分类号:F293    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.03.016
  • 项目基金:浙江省自然科学基金探索项目“国土空间格局多目标优化下的城市开发边界管控机制研究”(LQ22E08007);国家自然科学基金青年项目“生态位视角下基于物种分布与人类活动冲突机理的湾区城市群生态空间优化研究”(52308083)。
  • 作者简介:夏兆煊,浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院硕士研究生,研究方向:城市生态规划; 马淇蔚,通信作者,浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院副教授,研究方向:城市生态规划等; 徐丽华,浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院教授,研究方向:城乡规划与生态环境演变; 施益军,浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院副教授,研究方向:城市与区域规划; 陆张维,浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院副教授,研究方向:城市土地利用与管理。
  • 杭州城市空间增长与生态系统服务价值损益关联
  • Relationship between Urban Spatial Growth and Ecosystem Service Value Change in Hangzhou
  • 浏览量:
  • 夏兆煊 马淇蔚 徐丽华 施益军 陆张维
  • XIA Zhaoxuan MA Qiwei XU Lihua SHI Yijun LU Zhangwei
  • 摘要:
    当前我国正处于城镇化高质量转型的关键时期,明晰城市空间增长生态系统服务价值(ESV)损益的相互关系对于城市可持续发展具有重要意义。以我国典型的山水城市—杭州为例,基于多源数据,采用空间增长定量解析法、价值当量评估、四象限分析模型,阐明城市空间增长和 ESV 损益的规模强度变化,以此揭示二者空间关系,明确空间关系类型。结果表明 :(1)从总体规模和强度特征来看,杭州城市空间增长和 ESV 损益存在错配现象,即规模上的此消彼长和强度上的同增共减 ;(2)从空间特征来看,城市空间与 ESV 的重心整体呈东西相向而行的剧烈转移态势,在方位上增长强度与 ESV 损耗程度表现为东部一致而西部分歧 ;(3)增长强度与 ESV 损耗程度存在高—高、高—低、低—低、低—高 4 类关系且作用空间存在差异,这是由各类型城市发展政策所致。基于此,提出城市空间增长和 ESV 保值增益的协同发展策略,以期为城市绿色高质量发展提供决策依据。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: As China is currently undergoing a critical period of high-quality urbanization transformation, it is important to clarify the interrelationship between urban spatial growth and ecosystem service value change for sustainable urban development. Taking Hangzhou, a typical mountainous city in China, as an example, the quantitative analysis method of urban spatial growth, value equivalent assessment method, and four quadrant analysis model are used to analyze the scale intensity changes of urban spatial growth and ESV changes in Hangzhou, based on which the spatial relationship between the two is revealed and the type of spatial relationship is clarified. The results show that: (1) from the overall scale and intensity characteristics, there is a mismatch between urban spatial growth and ESV loss and gain in Hangzhou, i.e., the total scale of the city is decreasing and the intensity is increasing and decreasing at the same pace; (2) from the spatial characteristics, the center of gravity of urban space and ESV as a whole is shifting dramatically in an east-west direction, and in terms of orientation, the intensity of spatial urban growth and the degree of ESV loss is consistent and divergent; (3) there are four types of relationships between growth intensity and ESV attrition: high-high, high-low, low-low and low-high, and the spatial differences in the effects of the four types of relationships; the differences are mainly caused by the development policies of various types of cities. Based on these findings, a synergistic development strategy of urban spatial growth and ESV preservation is proposed, with a view to providing a scientific basis for green and high-quality urban development.
  • Key words: ecosystem service value; urban spatial growth; spatial policy; four-quadrant analysis; Hangzhou
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