- 文化遗产保护研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)03-0014-08
- 中图分类号:K928.6 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.03.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于建筑知识图谱的近代侨乡建筑形制与源流研究:以跨境交流视野下岭南地区侨乡为例”(51978675);教育部人文社科项目“跨境交流视野下的近代广东侨乡与主要侨居地传统建筑装饰艺术比较及其传播研究”(18YJCZHO06)。
- 作者简介:林琳,中山大学地理科学与规划学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向为城乡聚落研究、地名文化、地名规划;
- 湖北省红安县地名文化景观特征及影响因素分析
- An Analysis on the Characteristics and Infl uencing Factors of the Place-Name Cultural Landscape in Hong’an County, Hubei Province
- 浏览量:
- 林琳 王俊樟 曾娟 李英杰 刘元斌
- LIN Lin WANG Junzhang ZENG Juan LI Yingjie LIU Yuanbin
- 摘要:
基于《红安县地名志》《黄州府志》等文献及红安县第二次地名普查数据,对湖北省红安县 4380 个地名进行分析,发现 :红安县地名主要分布于县西南部丘陵岗地地区,地名北稀南密,与红安县南低北高的地势特征相反。自然景观类地名主要分布于县西南与东南地区,“塆”“湾”“田”等主要地名用字反映红安丘陵岗地的山地环境特征与地方土地利用格局 ;人文景观类地名主要分布于各乡镇行政驻地中心及其周边地区,战乱、起义、革命等动荡时期外来人口的迁入与和平时期的生产发展塑造了红安的地名文化景观。地方军事革命史凝缩于县、乡镇和村落地名中,地名承载着中国“第一将军县”的革命故事与革命精神,“七里坪镇”“列宁市”等地名潜藏的红色历史文化值得挖掘与保护,可以发挥地名在地方实践中对红安县红色血脉的延续作用。 - 关键词:
地名;文化景观;空间格局;红安县; - Abstract: Based on the Hong’an County Place Names Record, Prefectural Gazetteers of Huangzhou and other local literature, combining with the data of the second census of place names in Hong’an county, this research analyzes the characteristics of 4380 place names in Hong’an county, Hubei province. It is found that place names in Hong’an county were mainly distributed in the hilly areas in the southwest of the county. The place names are sparse in the north and dense in the south, contrary to the terrain characteristics of Hong’an county, which is low in the south and high in the north. Natural landscape place names were mainly concentrated in the southwest and southeast areas. The main place names such as “Wan”, “Wan” and “Tian” reflect the mountain environment characteristics and local land use pattern of Hong’an county. Human landscape place names tend to centralize in the township administrative centers and their surrounding areas. The migration of foreign population during the turbulent period of war, uprising and revolution and the production development during peacetime shaped the cultural landscape of place names in Hong’an county. The history of local military revolution is condensed in the place names of counties, towns and villages. The place names carry the revolutionary story and revolutionary spirit of China’s “First General County”. The red historical culture hidden in place names such as “Qiliping Town”and “Lenin City” is worth excavating and protecting, so as to give full play to the continuation of place names to the red blood of Hong’an county in local practice.
- Key words: place names; cultural landscape; spatial pattern; Hong’an county
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