- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)03-0072-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.03.011
- 作者简介:全嘉琪,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城乡社会与空间治理;
- 村民主体视角的乡村治理绩效评价研究 ——以江宁区三代美丽乡村为例
- A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Village Governance Based on the Perspective of Villagers: A Case Study of Three Generations of Beautiful Villages in Jiangning District
- 浏览量:
- 全嘉琪 葛幼松 李佩叶
- QUAN Jiaqi GE Yousong LI Peiye
- 摘要:
村民主体对于乡村治理绩效的评价,是乡村治理工作的重要考核方式。文章基于村民主体视角,运用问卷调查和数理分析法对南京市江宁区 3 种不同乡村治理模式典型村庄进行绩效评价研究,结果表明 :由于参与主体不同,3 种治理模式在发展路径等方面存在较大差异 ;各模式在应用中均取得一定成效,但也存在多元主体交流不畅等共性问题,相较而言政府参与度高的治理模式更受村民信赖 ;要实现乡村可持续发展,各村需进一步完善多元主体合作机制。 - 关键词:
乡村治理;绩效评价;村民主体视角;江宁区; - Abstract: The evaluation of the performance of rural governance by villagers is an important way to assess rural governance. Based on the perspective of villagers, questionnaire survey and mathematical analysis were utilized in this paper to evaluate the performance of three typical villages with diff erent rural governance modes in Jiangning district, Nanjing. The results indicate that due to the diff erent participants, there are great diff erences in the development paths of the three governance models. Each model has achieved certain results in the application, however, there are also shared problems such as poor communication among multiple subjects. In comparison, the governance model with high government participation is more trusted by villagers. In order to realize the sustainable development of rural areas, all villages need to further improve the multi-subject cooperation mechanism.
- Key words: rural governance; performance evaluation;the perspective of villagers’ subject; Jiangning district
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