- 历史景观研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)04-0009-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.04.002
- 项目基金:湖南省社科基金项目“湖南地域建筑遗产符号价值的可持续发展研究”(19YBA084)。
- 作者简介:张卫,湖南大学建筑与规划学院教授,建筑历史及理论研究中心主任,研究方向为数字化历史建筑与历史城镇;
- 楼阁文学视角下的城市标识性历史景观风貌研究
- Research on the Historic and Symbolic Urban Landscape from the Perspective of Pavilion Literature
- 浏览量:
- 张卫 崔凌英
- ZHANG Wei CUI Lingying
- 摘要:
楼阁是城市标识性历史景观的重要组成部分,文章在楼阁文学的视角下运用数字人文的方法对江南三大名楼古诗词进行信息挖掘、景观分析与文学制图,观照名楼的景观风貌。文章对比分析三大名楼景观异同,并从历史学、文学角度溯源、考证,认为景观同楼阁的地理位置与自然环境、建废盛衰与历史变迁、楼阁文学与文化积淀联系紧密。文章旨在探究城市标识性历史景观与城市历史文化的关系,以开拓城市更新发展新视域。 - 关键词:
文本挖掘;城市标识性历史景观;楼阁文学;景观风貌; - Abstract: Pavilions play a crucial role in the historic and symbolic urban landscape. From the perspective of pavilion literature, this study applies digital humanities methods to conduct information mining, landscape analysis, and literary mapping based on ancient poems about the three famous towers in the south of the Yangtze River. The goal is to analyze and preserve the scenic beauty of these notable pavilions. To compare and analyze the similarities and differences of the landscape of the three pavilions, and to explore the relationship between historic and symbolic urban landscape and historical urban culture from the perspective of historiography and literature, and find that the landscape is closely related to the geographical location and natural environment of the pavilions, their construction and decline and historical changes, and their literature and cultural accumulation.
- Key words: text mining; historic and symbolic urban landscape; pavilion literature; landscape scenery
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