- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)04-0117-08
- 中图分类号:[U-9] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.04.017
- 项目基金:国家自然基金项目(52178039)。
- 作者简介:郭亮,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,湖北省城镇化工程技术研究中心,教授,博士生导师;
- 交通与土地利用要素供给对通勤圈空间特征的协同优化机制 ——以武汉市为例
- Synergistic Optimization Mechanism of Transportation and Land Use Factor Supply on the Spatial Characteristics of Commuting Circle: A Case Study of Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 郭亮 彭雨晴 张彪 韩梦凯
- GUO Liang PENG Yuqing ZHANG Biao HAN Mengkai
- 摘要:
在交通矛盾日益制约大城市高质量发展的背景下,基于居民时空大数据的通勤圈空间特征研究为精细化交通与土地利用等要素配置提供了有效视角。以武汉市为例,利用手机信息数据识别出商业(务)型、工业型两类通勤圈,结合情景模拟探究交通与土地利用要素供给对通勤圈形态变化及内部交通结构特征的协同影响。研究发现 :(1)商业(务)型通勤圈呈现“圈层 + 轴带”和“核心集聚 + 圈层扩展”两种结构模式 ;工业型通勤圈则呈现“纺锤模式”布局,通勤方向性更为明显。(2)轨道交通要素供给会重点影响通勤圈的形态、拉长通勤距离;土地利用要素的紧凑布局有利于促进通勤圈圈层集聚,缩短其通勤距离和时耗。针对两种类型的通勤圈,从促进通勤圈绿色出行的角度提出完善交通设施布局和服务设施配套的优化策略。 - 关键词:
通勤圈;空间结构;情景模拟;交通与土地利用一体化模型; - Abstract: Against the backdrop of increasingly acute transportation-related challenges constraining the high-quality development of large cities, research on the spatial characteristics of commuter zones based on residents’ spatiotemporal big data provides an effective perspective for the refined allocation of transportation and land use elements. Taking Wuhan as an example, this study utilizes mobile information data to identify two types of commuter zones: commercial (service) and industrial. It then explores, through scenario simulation, the collaborative impact of transportation and land use element supply on the morphological changes of commuter zones and their internal traffic structure characteristics. The findings reveal that: (1) Commercial (service) commuter zones exhibit two structural patterns: “ring-layer + axial-belt” and “core agglomeration + ring-layer expansion”; industrial commuter zones display a “spindle layout”, with more apparent commuting directionality. (2) The supply of rail transit elements significantly affects the shape of commuter zones and extends commuting distances; a compact layout of land use elements facilitates the agglomeration of commuter zone layers, reducing commuting distances and time spent. For both types of commuter zones, the study proposes optimization strategies for improving the layout of transportation facilities and supporting service facilities, from the perspective of promoting green travel within commuter zones.
- Key words: commuting circle; space structure; scenario simulation; TRANUS
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