- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)05-0058-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.05.009
- 项目基金:北京市社会科学基金咨询决策重大项目“北京老城文物保护、腾退开放及合理利用机制创新研究”(21JCA004)。
- 作者简介:荣玥芳,北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授,博士生导师;
- 北京老城文物建筑开放利用的分类评价方法研究
- Study on the Classified Assessment Method of Cultural Heritage Buildings Utilization in the Beijing Old City
- 浏览量:
- 荣玥芳 宋健 张新月 吴勇江 贾梦圆
- RONG Yuefang SONG Jian ZHANG Xinyue WU Yongjiang JIA Mengyuan
- 摘要:
根据文物建筑现状特征综合评估其开放利用潜力与利用形式,是提升文物建筑保护与利用水平的重要支撑。针对北京老城文物建筑特征,文章从文物建筑的本体现状、价值禀赋、外部环境 3 个维度构建评估文物建筑开放利用潜力的指标体系 ;结合文物建筑开放利用的不同形式,从参观游览、文化展示、经营服务、公益办公、社区服务、国事服务 6 个方面研究确定各项指标的评价标准 ;并以北京老城 54 处文物建筑为例,进行分类评价方法的实证应用,以期为北京老城文物建筑开放利用的总体统筹与分类管理提供参考。 - 关键词:
文物建筑;开放利用;评价方法;分类指引;北京老城; - Abstract: Assessing the potential and forms of open use of cultural heritage buildings based on their current status is an important support for improving the level of protection and utilization of cultural heritage buildings. In view of the characteristics of cultural heritage buildings in Beijing old city, an indicator system has been constructed for evaluating the potential of open use of cultural heritage buildings from three dimensions: current conditions, value endowment, and external environment. Combining different forms of open use of cultural heritage buildings, such as visiting and touring, cultural display, business services, public offices, community services, and state services, the evaluation criteria for each indicator has been created. Taking 54 cultural heritage buildings in Beijing old city as an example, the article applies a classification evaluation method to provide reference for the overall planning and categorized management of the open use of cultural heritage buildings in Beijing old city.
- Key words: cultural heritage buildings; open utilization; evaluation method; classification guidelines; Beijing old city
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