- 城市更新研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)06-0038-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.06.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“城市创新空间的生成机制与空间供给研究—基于长三角地区的实证”(52078245)。
- 作者简介:黄龙颜,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生,中国建筑学会会员;
- 小城镇住区更新的“规划—自建” 协同机制探索 ——基于广西马山县天地楼住区的实证
- Research on the “Planning and Self-Built” Collaborative Mechanism of Residential Area Renewal in Small Town: A Case Study on Mashan County’s Tiandi-House Residential Area
- 浏览量:
- 黄龙颜 张京祥
- UANG Longyan ZHANG Jingxiang
- 摘要:
在快速城镇化时期,小城镇常采用“规划—自建”模式以适应持续高涨的住房需求。文章以广西马山县天地楼住区为实证,解读了“规划—自建”二重性的产生背景、制度原型和互动效应。并通过实地踏勘、问卷调查、资料收集等手段,深入剖析“规划—自建”模式在不同发展阶段的具体表现。研究发现 :(1)“规划—自建”模式既是推动小城镇增量建设的主要动力,又是困扰小城镇存量更新的掣肘因素;(2)“规划—自建”需要重新构建“政府—居民”的伙伴关系,才能更好地服务存量更新的治理需求 ;(3)据此,可通过放管结合、社会主导、以人为本、艺术介入等策略,让小城镇的“规划—自建”模式在存量时代中重新走向有机协同。 - 关键词:
小城镇;“规划—自建”;更新;马山县;天地楼; - Abstract: In the context of China’s rapid urbanization, small towns often adopt the “planning and self-built” model to meet the booming housing demand. However, the “planning and self-built” model is double-edged, which is especially embodied in the Tiandi-house residential area’s construction and renewal. Through field survey and data collection, this paper takes an example of Mashan county in Guangxi province to analyse the background, archetype and effects of the “planning and self-built” model. It finds the following results: (1) The “planning and self-built” model is the growth impetus in the incremental era and also the adverse factor in the inventory era. (2) The “planning and self-built” model need to reconstruct the “government-resident” partnership, so as to better serve the governance needs of residential area renewal. (3) On this basis, the “planning and self-built” model can achieve the collaboration goal through multiple strategies such as power-rights-combination, resident self-organization, humanistic orientation and art intervention.
- Key words: small town; “planning and self-built”; renewal; Mashan county; Tiandi- house
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