- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)06-0107-07
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.06.015
- 项目基金:浙江大学—上海 城 建城乡发 展与规 划创新联合 研究中心项目(513000-I5220A/001)。
- 作者简介:饶传坤,浙江大学建筑工程学院区域与城市规划系,浙江大学—上海城建城乡发展与规划创新联合研究中心,浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司,副教授,注册城市规划师;
- 适老化视角下居住型轨道交通站域 街道步行适宜性研究
- Study of Street Walkability around Residential Rail Transit Stations for the Aged
- 浏览量:
- 饶传坤 田雪琪 翟端强
- RAO Chuankun TIAN Xueqi ZHAI Duanqiang
- 摘要:
在轨道交通迅速发展、老龄化程度不断提高的当下,老年人使用轨道交通却遇到多种阻碍。轨道站域街道作为老年人使用轨道交通的“最后一公里”,同时也作为城市开发的重点区域,其街道空间品质的提升不容忽视。构建轨道交通站域街道适老化的步行适宜性评价体系,并利用 AHP 层次分析法分析各指标重要性的差异,选择杭州市 9 个典型居住型地铁站点,通过城市 POI 数据及街景数据等,对各站点安全性、舒适度和便捷性及各评价指标进行分析。总体上看,各居住型地铁站域街道的适老化步行适宜性较弱,较多站点在无障碍设施、站点可达性和步行环境等方面存在不足,今后应以“便捷性为主导,安全性为保障,兼顾舒适性”为原则,不断提升轨道交通站域街道步行适宜性,提升城市整体步行环境品质。 - 关键词:
街道步行适宜性;适老化;轨道交通站域街道;杭州市; - Abstract: With the rapid development of rail transit, the degree of aging increasing, the elderly is encountering many obstacles in using rail transit. As the “Last kilometer” of rail transit used by the elderly, and also the core area of urban development, the improvement of street space quality cannot be ignored. This paper built an evaluation system for walkability of surrounding streets of rail transit stations from the aged, used AHP to analyze the difference among the importance of each indicator, and evaluated the safety, comfort and convenience of 9 residential subway stations in Hangzhou through urban POI data and street view data. In general, the walkability of residential subway station streets is weak for the aged, and many stations have deficiencies in accessibility, station accessibility and walking environment. In the future, the principle of “convenience as the leading, safety as the guarantee, and comfort as the consideration” should be followed to improve the walkability of rail transit station streets and the overall walking environment quality of the city.
- Key words: street walkability; for the aged; rail transit station streets; Hangzhou city
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