  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)06-0070-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984;F293    文献标识码:A
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.06.010
  • 项目基金:教育部人文社科青年基金项目“消费集聚区导向的国际消费中心城市发展模式及北京实证研究”(22YJCZH097);北京国际商贸中心研究基地课题“国际消费中心城市消费集聚区”(ZS2022A01)。
  • 作者简介:梁迎亚,清华大学经管学院助理研究员、博士后,清华大学二十国集团创业研 究中心项目研究员,研究方向为国际消费中心城市、未来商业形态; 周怡薇,清华大学建筑学院博士研究生,研究方向为夜间城市设计与城市治理。
  • 国际夜间城市治理:概念内涵、治理主体及治理内容体系
  • International Night-Time Urban Governance: Concept, Stakeholders and Content System
  • 浏览量:
  • 梁迎亚 周怡薇
  • LIANG Yingya ZHOU Yiwei
  • 摘要:
    “夜间城市”理论发展推动形成了“夜间城市治理”这一新兴领域,并在国际实践中积累了诸多治理经验。文章通过系统梳理国际夜间城市治理的理论观点与实践经验,阐明“夜间城市治理”这一概念,并得出以下结论 :(1)夜间城市治理是具有独立“时—空”特征的城市治理实践领域,在参与主体、治理内容等方面与普遍意义的城市治理具有差异 ;(2)夜间城市治理强调多元主体协作、统筹多项夜间城市内容,突破了以往夜间城市发展对夜间经济的单一路径依赖;(3)夜间城市治理内容体系可归纳为前提条件、物质基础、品质提升 3 个逐层递进的层级,包含治安监管、照明规划与设计、公共交通规划、用地与时间规划、公共空间设计与维护、公共活动运营 6 项内容。最后提出我国应构建本土化夜间城市治理理论体系、优化主体结构与丰富治理内容、衔接夜间城市治理体制机制与现有城市治理体系等启示。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The development of the theory of “night-time city” has promoted the formation of a new field of “night-time urban governance”, which has accumulated significant amount of experiences through international practice. This paper aims to clarify the concept of “night-time urban governance”, and through reviewing the theoretical perspectives and practical experiences of international night-time urban governance, draws the following conclusions: (1) Nighttime urban governance is an independent “time-space” field of urban governance practice, which differs from urban governance in the general sense in terms of stakeholders, governance content, etc.; (2) Nighttime urban governance emphasizes multi-stakeholders collaboration and coordination of multiple night-time urban affairs, breaking through the single-path dependence of night-time economy; (3) The 6 contents of night-time urban governance can be divided into three levels: premise, foundation and improvement, including public security, lighting planning and design, public transportation planning, land and time planning, public space design and maintenance, and public activities. This paper proposes that China should construct a localized night-time urban governance theoretical framework, optimize the stakeholder structure and enrich the governance content, and integrate the night-time urban governance into the existing urban governance system.
  • Key words: night-time urban governance; concept; stakeholders; governance content system
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