- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)07-0110-07
- 中图分类号:U984.2;F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.07.016
- 作者简介:杨建军,浙江大学区域与城市规划系,浙江大学平衡建筑研究中心,教授,浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司,注册规划师;
- 土地财政驱动的县城发展问题和转型思路评析 ——以某县级市为例
- Analysis on the Problems and Transformation of County Development Driven by Land Finance:A Case of A County-Level City
- 浏览量:
- 杨建军 李入凡 唐古拉
- YANG Jianjun LI Rufan TANG Gula
- 摘要:
上一阶段城市的发展受到“土地财政”机制的驱动,引起了有关经济和城市健康、持续发展模式问题的讨论。文章以一个县级市为例,分析了土地财政驱动下的经济发展特点,剖析了旅游度假房地产和土地开发为导向的城市发展路径和空间扩展过程,以及城市功能布局和空间组织存在的问题,探索了经济转型发展和城市空间优化的对策,对于合理规划城市空间和推进以县城为载体的城镇化发展具有典型案例的借鉴意义。 - 关键词:
土地财政;县城;城市规划;城市空间; - Abstract: In the previous phase, urban development was driven by the “land finance” mechanism, sparking discussions on the issues of economic and urban health, as well as sustainable development models. Taking a county-level city as an example, this paper analyzes the characteristics of economic development driven by land finance, analyzes the urban development path and spatial expansion process guided by tourism and vacation real estate and land development, and the problems in urban functional layout and spatial organization, and explores the countermeasures for economic transformation and development and urban spatial optimization. It has a typical case reference significance for rational planning of urban space and promoting the urbanization development with the county as the carrier.
- Key words: land finance; county city; urban planning; urban space
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