- 南京研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0001-09
- 中图分类号:TU984.13 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.001
- 作者简介:韩碧君,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 基于POI数据的临空消费空间时空演化研究 ——对南京临空经济区的实证分析
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Consumption Space in Airport Economic Zone Based on POI Data: An Empirical Study Based on Nanjing Airport Economic Zone
- 浏览量:
- 韩碧君 张京祥
- HAN Bijun ZHANG Jingxiang
- 摘要:
把握临空消费发展规律、总结临空消费空间时空演化特征是临空消费空间建设的重要前提。文章基于临空经济区" target="_blank">南京临空经济区多期消费空间兴趣点(POI)数据和 ArcGIS 空间分析,探讨临空经济不同阶段下南京临空消费空间的时空演进路径和成因机制。研究发现 :临空消费空间呈现规模化、多元化、网络化的发展趋势,具有较强的路径依赖性:(1)数量先增加后减少,近机场区域的吸引力逐渐增强;(2)高层次消费空间逐渐增多,空间功能混合度大幅提升;(3)分布格局呈现“西北多,东南少”的特征,“十字形”格局逐渐形成;(4)未来发展趋势为沿“西北—东南”方向发展。 - 关键词:
POI数据;南京临空经济区;临空经济;消费空间;时空演化; - Abstract: It is an important prerequisite for the construction of near-airport consumption space to grasp the development law of near-airport consumption and summarize the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of near-airport consumption space. Based on the multi-period consumption space POI data and ArcGIS spatial analysis of Nanjing Airport Economic Zone, this study explores the spatio-temporal evolution path and the causal mechanism of the consumption space in Nanjing Airport Economic Zone under different development stages. The results show that the consumption space in Nanjing Airport Economic Zone exhibits a large-scale, diversified and networked development trend, and it has strong path dependence: (1) The number of consumption spaces shows a trend of first growth and then decline, and the attractiveness of near-airport areas gradually increases. (2) High-level consumption spaces gradually increase, and the degree of mixing spatial functions is greatly improved. (3) The distribution pattern presents the characteristics of “more in the northwest and less in the southeast”, and a “cross-shaped” pattern is gradually formed. (4) The future development trend is in the direction of “northwest-southeast”.
- Key words: POI data; Nanjing Airport Economic Zone; airport economy; consumption space; space-time coupling
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