- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0066-08
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于动态评测的历史街区保护微干预方法研究—以成渝典型历史街区为实证案例”(51608063);重庆市社会科学规划项目“基于多源数据关联分析的城市历史街区公共服务质效评价与提升研究”(2020YBGL74)。
- 作者简介:肖竞,重庆大学建筑城规学院,山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,自然资源部国土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室,副教授;
- 文旅融合背景下历史街区社会韧性测度与业居关联微干预调节 ——以重庆市磁器口街区为例
- Social Resilience Measurement and Micro Intervention of Commerce-Residence Association for Urban Historic Districts under the Background of Culture-Tourism Integration: A Case Study of Ciqikou Historic District in Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 肖竞 钟海洁 邵筱萱 谢汉森 曹珂
- XIAO Jing ZHONG Haijie SHAO Xiaoxuan XIE Hansen CAO Ke
- 摘要:
文章以文旅融合发展背景下历史街区经济韧性与社会韧性平衡保持为目标,提出“业居关联”的历史街区社会韧性议题研究思路,建构出以态征测度、回归分析、阈值计算为分析步骤,以居民保有率、邻里网络密度、环境滋扰指数和商铺比例、房租价格、访客载荷为表征指标因子的历史街区业居态征定量测度与关联分析方法 ;以重庆市磁器口历史街区的多期多区多态数据为研究样本,揭示出文旅商业化进程中历史街区社会韧性的 3项衰减机理:空间竞价导致本地居民外迁、业态置换导致邻里阻隔、访客超载导致生活滋扰,以及相应业居作用关系下街区社会韧性保持的业居指标阈值。上述方法与指标结论遵循历史街区业居态征交互影响、动态变化的现实逻辑,突破了历史街区韧性研究“评调脱节”的技术瓶颈,有助于将定量评测结论转化为定量调控措施,可为我国历史街区社会韧性研究和文旅融合发展实践提供有益参考。 - 关键词:
存量更新;历史街区;文旅融合;社会韧性;业居关联;微干预调节;磁器口历史街区; - Abstract: With the goal of maintaining a balance between economic resilience and social resilience in historic districts under the background of culture-tourism integrated development, this paper puts forward the social resilience research framework from the “commerce-residence association” perspective, which divides the analysis steps as commerce-residence pattern and characteristics measurement, regression analysis, and threshold detection, and takes the residents retention rate, neighborhood link density, environmental disturbance index, shop proportion, rent price and visitor load as the social resilience and commercialization state representation indicators. Based on that, the paper takes the multi-period, multi-region and multi-state data of the Ciqikou historic districts in Chongqing as the research sample, reveals the three attenuation mechanisms of social resilience in historic districts during the culture-tourism development and commercialization process - bidding for space leading to the relocation of local residents, commerce-residence pattern conversion leading to neighborhood barrier and visitor overload leading to life disturbance - and the corresponding commerce-residence index threshold for maintaining social resilience under their mutual influence. The above methods and index conclusions comply with the realistic logic of the interaction and dynamic change of commerce-residence pattern and characteristics in historic districts, and break through the technical bottleneck of the disconnection between evaluation and adjustment in the resilience research of historic districts, which helps to transform the quantitative evaluation conclusions into quantitative adjustment measures, and can provide a useful reference for the social resilience study and culture-tourism integrated development of urban historic districts in China.
- Key words: urban renewal; historic districts; culture-tourism integration; social resilience; commerce-residence association; micro intervention; Ciqikou historic district
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