- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0051-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.008
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“产权治理视角下集体产业用地更新的空间模式与实施效应研究”(52378064);北京卓越青年科学家计划项目(JJWZYJH01201910003010);江苏高校“青蓝工程”资助。
- 作者简介:姚之浩,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授,硕导;
- 土地发展权配置视角下宅基地集中归并的治理困境:以上海为例
- The Governance Dilemma of Homestead Land Consolidation from the Perspective of Land Development Right Allocation: A Case Study of Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 姚之浩 范晨璟
- YAO Zhihao FAN Chenjing
- 摘要:
宅基地集中归并事关宅基地发展权二次配置和农民住房权益保障。文章借助土地发展权配置的理论工具解析村庄规划驱动下宅基地归并的土地发展权运作机制,以上海革新村为例,基于问卷调查、深度访谈和案例分析,剖析宅基地区位、村民代际差异和家庭资产配置选择对村民宅基地归并意愿的影响,揭示村庄规划刚性管控面临的治理困境。研究发现:基于增减挂钩政策,减量化行动推动的宅基地发展权配置成本高昂,忽视了村民住房权益的选择权,导致公平性缺失。以户为单位的宅基地归并难以析出宅基地冗余需求,引致财政补贴和宅基地资源的错配。实用性村庄规划编制应关注人地关系变化,量化宅基地发展权益,推动村民住房权益按需转换。 - 关键词:
宅基地归并;宅基地发展权配置;村庄规划;治理困境;上海; - Abstract: Homestead land consolidation is related to the reallocation of homestead development right and the protection of farmer housing rights and interests. With the theoretical tool of land development right allocation, this paper analyzes the operation mechanism of land development right driven by village planning in homestead land consolidation project. Taking Shanghai Gexin village as an example, based on questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and case analysis, it analyzes the influence of homestead location, villagers’ inter-generational difference and household asset allocation choices to villagers’ willingness to homestead land consolidation, and reveals the governance dilemma under rigid management and control of village planning. The research reveals that, due to the policy of “Increase Decrease Connection”, the allocation cost of land development right promoted by the urban construction land reduction action is high, and the neglect of villagers’ housing rights and interests leads to the crisis of fairness deficiency. It is difficult to extract the redundant demand of homestead land by consolidation in households, leading to the mismatch of financial subsidies and homestead resources. Practical village planning should focus on the change in human-land relationship, quantify the homestead land development rights and interests and push forward the exchange of villagers’ housing rights and interests according to their needs.
- Key words: homestead land concentration; homestead land development right allocation; village plan; governance dilemma; Shanghai
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