- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0112-07
- 中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.017
- 作者简介:胡卫华,江苏开放大学,副教授。
- 国外园林设计语言传承路径分析 ——以日、法、美为例
- Analysis of the Inheritance Paths of Foreign Landscape Design Languages: A Case Study of Japan, France, and the United States
- 浏览量:
- 胡卫华
- HU Weihua
- 摘要:
设计语言是设计思想表达的重要载体。作为现代设计学与现代语言学深度交叉融合形成的一种研究范式,设计语言研究是阐释园林设计思想的有效途径,也是探讨如何传承园林设计文化的研究切入点。超越地域与国家边界,对园林空间形式之上的抽象特征进行提取转译,归纳总结普遍原理及规律,对园林设计语言的传承发展具有参考价值与借鉴意义。文章以设计语言学体系中的语义、语法、语用三重架构为基本研究框架,选取日本、法国、美国的代表性案例,分别从语义延续、语法应用、语用拓展 3 个层次入手,对日、法、美园林设计语言的传承路径进行对比分析与归纳总结,从多元视野为探索中国园林设计语言的创造性转化与创新性发展提供历史经验参考。 - 关键词:
国外园林;传统园林;现代园林;设计语言; - Abstract: Design language serves as a crucial carrier for expressing design ideas. As a research paradigm formed by the deep integration of modern design and linguistics, design language research is an effective way to interpret landscape design ideas and an entry point for exploring how to inherit landscape design culture. Going beyond geographical and national boundaries, this research extracts and translates the abstract features above landscape spatial forms, synthesizing general principles and rules. Hence, it might contribute to the inheritance and development of landscape design language, offering reference value and significance for inspiration. This paper takes the three-level framework of semantics, syntax, and pragmatics in the design language system as the basic research framework and selects representative cases from Japan, France as well as the United States. It conducts a comparative analysis and summary of the inheritance paths of landscape design languages in these three countries, from the perspectives of semantic continuation, syntactic application, and pragmatic expansion. The aim is to provide historical experience and reference from a diverse perspective for the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese landscape design language.
- Key words: foreign landscape; traditional landscape; modern landscape; design language
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