- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0082-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.012
- 作者简介:刘路明,南京工业大学建筑学院,硕士研究生;
- 新加坡东北线站点周边土地利用及其演化特征研究
- Study of Land Use and Its Evolutionary Characteristics around the Stations of Northeast Line in Singapore
- 浏览量:
- 刘路明 叶如海
- LIU Luming YE Ruhai
- 摘要:
新加坡长期以来被视为土地利用和综合交通有机结合的典范,研究其轨道交通站点周边土地利用性质和容积率特征及演变规律,对我国的公交都市建设具有很强的现实意义。研究选取连接中心与新城的东北线为对象,以新加坡 2003、2008、2014、2019 年 4 版总体规划数据为基础,采用数学统计以及信息熵和均衡度等量化研究方法,分析该线 17个站点 600 m 半径范围内的土地利用和容积率变化特征。研究发现 :在用地功能类型上整体均衡度较高,分布上呈现中央商务区以商业为主、外围以居住为主的特征,各站点用地呈现一定的圈层差异 ;在用地功能演变上,居住用地不断减少,生态空间与产业用地增加;在容积率分布上整体呈现中央高四周低、尾部上扬的特征,大部分站点的内圈层容积率高于外圈层 ;在平均容积率不断上升的前提下,中区与东北区边缘站点的用地功能与容积率变化更大。对我国公交都市建设来说,以 TOD 模式来组织地铁站周边用地,是轨道交通引领城市发展的着力点,但各站点开发模式,还需要考虑历史和现状条件、城市与经济发展等客观规律,满足政府引导要求。 - 关键词:
新加坡东北线;TOD;土地用地;容积率;特征; - Abstract: Singapore has long been regarded as a model of organic integration of land use and integrated transportation. The study of the characteristics and evolution patterns of land use and FAR (floor area ratio) around its rail transit stations has strong practical significance for the construction of public transportation in China’s metropolis. The study selects the Northeast Line, which connects the center with the new city area, as the object, and uses the data from the four editions of Singapore’s Master Plan (2003, 2008, 2014 and 2019) as the basis, and adopts mathematical statistics, information entropy and equilibrium as well as other quantitative research methods to analyse the characteristics of land use and FAR changes within a 600m radius of the 17 stations of the line. The study finds that the overall balance of land use function types is of high, and the distribution shows that the central business district is mainly commercial, while the periphery is mainly residential, and the land use of each station exhibits certain differences in circular districts; in terms of land use function evolution, residential land use is decreasing, while ecological space and industrial land use are increasing; in terms of FAR distribution, the overall characteristics show that the central area is high and the periphery is low, and the FAR of the inner circle of most stations is higher than that of the outer circle; considering the increase in average FAR, the land use function and FAR of stations in the central and northeastern edges of the district show greater variation. For the construction of China’s public transport metropolis, the TOD model, which organises land around metro stations, is a key strategy for rail transport to lead urban development, but the development model of each station should also consider the historical and current conditions, urban and economic development and other objective patterns, to align with the requirements of government guidance.
- Key words: the Northeast Line in Singapore; TOD; land use; FAR; characteristic
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