- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0119-05
- 中图分类号:G124 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.018
- 项目基金:江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学一般项目(2022SJYB0424);南京艺术学院2023年度一流本科课程(87);南京医科大学思想政治工作研究课题重点项目(2022-3);南京医科大学2022年度公共卫生学院“双一流”建设科研创新项目思政人文专项(52);江苏省2023年度重点智库课题“扬子江创意城市群数字文化产业一体化发展研究”(28)。
- 作者简介:杨振动,南京艺术学院文化产业学院讲师,江苏省重点高端智库紫金文创研究院助理研究员,主要研究方向为区域文化与城市创新发展、技术创新与知识管理;
- 扬子江创意城市群:人文经济视域下幸福宜居的世界级城市群样板建构
- Yangtze River Creative City Cluster: Model Construction of a World-Class City Cluster with Happy and Livable Environments from the Perspective of Humanistic Economy
- 浏览量:
- 杨振动 牛俊美 王晨
- YANG Zhendong NIU Junmei WANG Chen
- 摘要:
以长江经济带江苏段为主轴,打造国际化创意城市群,对推动“强富美高”新江苏建设具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。文章以创意经济为引领,以扬子江城市群为承载区,基于人文经济学理念构建“三轴一圈”的文化创意空间,打造体制机制、数字文化产业、跨界融合、创意阶层、创意金融等领域的一体化格局,使创意经济的诸要素在区域内自由流通、协同创新,进而形成集聚效应,助力扬子江创意城市群发展成为世界级城市群高质量发展的样板。 - 关键词:
人文经济;扬子江创意城市群;一体化发展;世界级城市群; - Abstract: Building an international creative city cluster with the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River Economic Belt as the main axis has significant practical and far-reaching historical significance for promoting the construction of a new “strong, rich, beautiful and high” Jiangsu. Guided by the creative economy and supported by the Yangtze River city cluster, a cultural and creative space of “Three Axes and One Circle” is constructed based on the concept of humanistic economics. An integrated pattern of institutional mechanisms, digital cultural industries, cross-border integration, creative class, creative finance, and other fields is created to enable the free flow and collaborative innovation of various elements of the creative economy in the region, thereby forming a clustering effect and helping the Yangtze River creative city cluster develop into a model for high-quality development of world-class city clusters.
- Key words: humanistic economy; Yangtze River creative city cluster; integrated development; world-class city cluster
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